当前检索式 ((ALL:Large Aperture))
限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (发表日期:2024) AND (语种:英语))
Applied Optics 7 Optics Express 6 Optics and Laser Tec 4
Advanced Fiber Laser 2 IEEE Photonics Journ 2 Optica 2
Optics and Lasers in 2 PHYSICA SCRIPTA 2 Remote Sensing 2
Sixth Conference on 2 Sixth Conference on 2 Biomedical Optics Ex 1
IEEE Access 1 IEEE Transactions on 1 IEEE Transactions on 1
International Journa 1 Journal of Astronomi 1 Journal of Lightwave 1
Journal of the Optic 1 MEASUREMENT SCIENCE 1